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Sarah Morris


Nace en Gran Bretaña en 1967. Tiene nacionalidad norteamericana
Vive y trabaja en Londres y Nueva York

1999 - 2000 American Academy - Philip Morris Award, Berlin Prize Fellow
1989 - 1990 Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program
1987 - 1988 Jesus College, Cambridge University, Cambridge
1985 - 1989 Brown University, B.A.

Exposiciones individuales
2012 Points On A Line, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio
2011 Personal Best, Air de Paris, París
Two Erasing Principles, DirimArt, Estambul
Chicago, proyección de su último film, Babylon Berlin Mitte, Berlín
Capitain Petzel, Berlín
2010 Sarah Morris. Clips, Knots, and 1972, Gallery Hyundai, Seúl
It's All True, Galerie Meyer Kainer, Viena
2009 Morality, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Róterdam
Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
Gemini Dressage, MMK - Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt / Main
2008 China 9, Liberty 37, MAMbo - Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Bolonia
Lesser Panda, White Cube, Londres
Black Beetle, Fondation Beyeler Riehen, Basel
Sarah Morris - 1972, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus & Kunstbau, Munich
2007 Robert Towne, Ring Paintings, and Origami, Fredrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
The Towne Index, Galerie Air de Paris, París
Chinatowns, Max Hetzler Gallery, Berlín
Sarah Morris, Whitechapel Laboratory, Londres
2006 Artist in Focus, programa en colaboración con el Rotterdam Film Festival, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Róterdam
Midtown, Milton Keynes gallery, Londres
A Severe Insult to the Brain, Meyer Kainer Gallery, Viena
Since 2000: Printmaking Now, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York
2005 Los Angeles Drawings, Galerie Aurel Scheibler, Colonia
To Film a Though in Action, Moderna Musseet, Estocolmo
Los Angeles, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
Commotion / Scriptless Utopia, 2005 - 2006, Arnolfini, Bristol
Endeavor, Palais de Tokyo, París
Los Angeles, Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, Connecticut
Los Angeles, Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover
Generation X, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
U_MOVE Utopia e immagine in movimento, GC.AC-Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea di Monfalcone, Monfalcone
Supernova, Galéria Jana Koniarka, Trnava
Now’s the Time, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz
2004 The Ballroom, Marfa
Goetz Meets Falckenberg, Sammlung Falckenberg, Kulturstiftung Phoenix Art, Hamburgo
Bar Nothing, New Paintings & Film Installation, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlín
Los Angeles, White Cube, Londres
Sarah Morris, Kunstforeningen, Copenhague
2003 Lost Weekend, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
Orchid Lounge, Air de Paris, París
Sarah Morris, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlín
2002 Sarah Morris, Miami MOCA, Miami
Capital, Site Santa Fe, Santa Fe
Cinecity: The Films of Sarah Morris, Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, D. C.
Rock Creek, Galerie Meyer Kainer, Viena
At Speed, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlín
2001 Crystal, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
Dulles, Galerie Aurel Scheibler, Colonia
Correspondence, Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum fur Gegenwart, Berlín
2000 AM / PM, Zurich Kosmos Building, Viena
Glee: Painting Now, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, Connecticut
Rumjungle, White Cube, Londres
Project 004, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
The Song of the Earth, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel
Sarah Morris, Kunsthalle, Zurich
Sarah Morris, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
Sarah Morris: Midtown and AM/PM, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania
1999 Sarah Morris, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
Sarah Morris, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford
1998 Sarah Morris, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlín
Sarah Morris, Le Consortium, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Dijon
1996 Sugar, Gallery Philippe Rizzo, París
Sara Morris. Drawings, Anton Kern, Nueva York
One False Move, White Cube, Londres
1994 Try God, Nicole Klagsbrun, Nueva York
1993 Sarah Morris, Close - Up, Time Square, Nueva York
Citizens, Kunsthalle, Nueva York

Exposiciones colectivas
2012 Everything Falls Apart. Part I, Artspace, Sídney (comisariada por Mark Feary y Blair French)
Envisioning Buildings: Reflecting Architecture in Contemporary Photography, MAK Viena
2011 Painting… Expanded, Espacio 1414, Santurce, Puerto Rico
St. Moritz Art Masters, St. Moritz
Videosphere: A New Generation, Albright - Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Nueva York
MMK 1991 - 2011: 20 Jahre Gegenwart, MMK - Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt/Main
Thirty are better than one, Galerie Tanit, Múnich
2010 Electro Géo, FRAC - Limousin, Limoges
Public Private Painting, 2000 - 2010: 10 jaar schilderkunst Brussel, Kunstmuseum Aan Zee, Ostende
Where Do We Go From Here? Selection from La Colección Jumex, CAC - Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Spatial city: An Architecture of Idealism, Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit, Michigan; Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, Illinois; INOVA - Institute of Visual Arts, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The 6th Seoul International Biennale of Media Art, Media City Seoul, Seúl
Kupferstichkabinett: Between Thought and Action, White Cub, Hoxton Square, Londres
Director's Choice, ARKEN - Museum for Moderne Kunst, Ishoj, Dinamarca
Hecate´s Lab, Senior & Shopmaker Gallery, Nueva York
Contemplating the Void, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Nueva York
Jumble, Richard Levy Gallery, Albuquerque, Nuevo México
Funktionen der Zeichnung, MMK - Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt/Main
Bilder Über Bilder. Diskursive Malerei von Albers bis Zobernig, MUMOK - Museum Modernerkunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Viena
2009 Where Do We Go From Here? Selection from La Colección Jumex, Bass Museum of Art, Miami, Florida
Morality. Act I: Beautiful from Every Point of View, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Róterdam
20 Years: We gave a party for the gods and the Gods all came, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, Nueva York
Flakk, or that extraordinary sensation of being abroad even when at home, Nordic House, Reikiavik
15_Jahre Sammlung Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg - Gegen den Strich, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
The Kaleidoscopic Eye: Thyssen - Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection, Mori Art Museum, Tokio
Die Macht des Ornaments, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Viena
Invisible Cities, Jerwood Space, Londres
Höhepunkte der Kölner KunstFilmBiennale in Berlin. Kunst - Werke Berlin, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlín
2008 Pintura abstracta, Galería Javier López, Madrid
Moscow on the Move, GCCC - Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscú
Jahresgaben 2008, Kunstverein München, Múnich
La invención de lo cotidiano, MUNAL - Museo Nacional de Arte, Ciudad de México
Worlds on Video - International Video Art, CCCS - Centro de Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina, Florencia
Walls in The Street, Muzej savremene umetnosti Beograd (Museum of Contemporary Art), Belgrado
Not So Subtle Subtitle, Casey Kaplan Gallery, Nueva York
Everstill, Casa - Museo Federico García Lorca, Granada
L’Impresa dell’arte, PAN - Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli, Nápoles
Delirious Beijing, PKM Gallery, Beijing
Rhythmus 21 - Positionen des Abstrakten, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus & Kunstbau, Múnich
Bad Planet, Gary Tatintsian Gallery Inc., Moscú
Always There. Part 1, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlín
Thyssen - Bornemisza Art Contemporary. Sammlung als Aleph, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz
Fort he Spirit. From the UBS Art Collection, Mori Art Museum, Tokio
Here and Now. Part 1, Regina Gallery, Moscú
2007 New York States of Mind, Queens Museum of Art, Nueva York; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlín
Idylle. Zwischen Traum und Trugschluss, Galerie der Stadt Remscheid, Remscheid
Best of KunstFilmBiennale Köln 2005, Apeejay Media Gallery, Nueva Delhi
KunstFilmBiennale 2007, Kunstmuseum Bonn
Reflection, Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev
Tomorrow, Kumho Museum of Art, Seúl
photomonth. East London Photography Festival, alternative arts, Londres
When We Build, Let Us Think That We Build Forever, BALTIC The Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, Reino Unido
Cuestión generacional, GCAC - Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela
Selection 2007, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Estambúl
Soufflé, eien Massenausstellung, comisariada por Franz West, Kunstraum, Innsbruck
Out of Time. A Contemporary View, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York
Summer Screen, Spacex, Exeter, Inglaterra
scape, Mongin Art Center, Seoul
What is Painting? Contemporary Art from the Collection, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York
Wittgenstein in New York, Kunstmuseum Bayreuth
Perspektiv 07, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus & Kunstbau, Munich
Intocable (el ideal de la transparencia), Patio Herreriano - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Español, Valladolid
Door Cycle, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
Idilio I, DA2 - Domus Artium 2002, Salamanca
An Incomplete World, Works from The UBS Art Collection, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sídney
Rockers Island. Olbricht Collection, Museum Folkwang Essen, Essen
Drawing 2007, The Drawing Room, Londres
The Shapes of Space, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Nueva York
New Arrivals and Classix, Galerie Hafenrichter & Flügel, Nuremberg
Very Abstract and Hyper Figurative, Thomas Dane Gallery, Londres
Mapping the City, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Ámsterdam
Deutsche Geschichten, GfZK - Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
depiction perversion repulsion obsession subversion, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Róterdam
Contemporary Galleries Collection, San Antonio Museum of Art, San Antonio
2006 All Hawaii Entrées / Lunar Reggae, comisariada por Philippe Parreno, IMMA - Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublín
busy going crazy. The Sylvio Perlstein collection, La Maison Rouge, París
Idylle. Traum und Trugschluss, Sammlung Falckenberg - Kulturstiftung Phoenix Art, Hamburgo
Carbonic Anhydride, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlín
abstract art now - strictly geometrical?, Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen
Intouchable, l’idéal transparence, comisariada por Guillaume Désanges et François Piron, Villa Arson, Niza
Ligne Couleur Espace, Galerie Natalie Seroussi, París
This is America, Centraal Museum, Utrecht
Kunst und Fußball, Kunst-Raum des Deutschen Bundestages, Berlín
Supernova, Galéria Jana Koniarka, Trnava
Made in USA, Galerie des multiples, París
Globalización: indicaciones / efectos secundarios / advertencias, Espacio 1414, Santurce
Kapitel VII: Bühne des Lebens. Rethorik des Gefühls - Stages of Life. Rethorics of Emotion, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus & Kunstbau, Munich
Ordnung und Verführung, Haus Konstruktiv, Stiftung für konstruktive und konkrete Kunst, Zurich
Full House. Gesichter einer Sammlung, Städtische Kunsthalle Manheim, Manheim
Nouvelles acquisitions, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, París
2005 Supernova, CAC - Contemporary Art Center Vilnius, Vilnius
Goetz Meets Falckenberg, Sammlung Falckenberg, Kulturstiftung Phoenix Art, Hamburg
Des Deux Cotes du Rhin. Ambiance, K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein - Westfalen - Im - Ständehaus, Düsseldorf
11ème Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Ginebra
Wittgenstein in New York, Kupferstichkabinett, Berlín
Minimalism and After IV, Daimler Contemporary, Berlín
Generation X, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
Extreme Abstraction, Albright - Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Nueva York
Nach Rokytnik. Die Sammlung der EVN, MUMOK - Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Viena
Big Bang, Centre Pompidou - Musée National d’Art Moderne, París
Edition Schellmann, Elisabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, Oregon
The Mind is a Horse (Part 2), Bloomberg Space, Londres
Vanishing Point, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio
En/Of, Museum Kurhaus Kleve, Kleve
Populism, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt/Main; Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Ámsterdam; Museet for samtidskunst, Oslo; CAC - Contemporary Art Center Vilnius, Vilnius
3’, Museo Colecciones ICO, Madrid; CGAC - Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela
Print Projects: Peter Doig, Damien Hirst, Sarah Morris, Marc Quinn, Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, Londres
Contemporary Voices: Works from the UBS Art Collection, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York
Now’s the Time. Montage audiovisuell, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz; Kunsthaus Graz
Present perfect, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
La perspective du cavalier, Centre d’Art du Parc Saint Léger, Pougues - les - Eaux
Architecture Invisible, Centre Culturel Suisse, París
Triply, Overtones, Los Angeles, California
2004 Bazar de verao, Galeria Fortes Vilaça, Sao Paulo
Sets, Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts
La lettre volée, Musée des Beaux Arts de Dôle, Dôle
si la dirección fuese una mirada, Galería Javier López, Madrid
The Pattern Playback, The Moore Space, Miami, Florida
Porträt ohne Antlitz, Kunsthalle zu Kiel der Christian - Albrechts - Universität, Kiel
Sarah Morris and Franco Mondini-Ruiz, Ballroom Marfa, Marfa, Texas
Aktuelle Malerei. Heißkalt - Sammlung Scharpff, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Treasure Island. 10 Jahre Sammlung Kunstmuseum, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
Neue Editionen, Editionen Schellmann, Munich
One Channel Only, The Contemporary Art Galleries, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut
2003 Hotel Hotel, Landesgalerie am Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum, Linz
Heißkalt. Aktuelle Malerei aus der Sammlung Scharpff, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburgo
Adorno. Die Möglichkeit des Unmöglichen - The Possibility of the Impossible, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
Einbildung. Das Wahrnehmen in der Kunst, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz
Fast Forward, ZKM|Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
Abstraction Now, Künstlerhaus Wien, Viena
3D, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
New Abstract Painting, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen
Form Specific Arteast Exhibition, Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana
Collustre, Collection Lambert, Aviñón
The DaimlerChrysler Collection, ZKM| Museum für Neue Kunst & Medienmuseum, Karlsruhe
nation, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt/Main
Architecture Schmarchitecture, Kerlin Gallery, Dublín
Painting Pictures: Malerei und Medien im digitalen Zeitalter, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
Tate Triennial 2003. Days Like These, Tate Triennial, Londres
Days Like These. Tate Triennial Exhibition of Contemporary British Art 2003, Tate Britain, Londres
Go to the gallery, Platform for Art, London Underground, Londres
2002 Projects 77: Billboards by Sarah Morris, Julian Opie, and Lisa Ruyter, MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, New York
Busan Biennale 2002, The Busan Biennale, Busan
Centre of Attraction - The 8th Baltic Triennial of International Art, Vilnius
Public Affairs, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich
Summer Reading, Gagosian Gallery, Beverly Hills, California
Nach der Wirklichkeit III - Painting on the Move, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel
That Place, The Moore Space, Miami, Florida
25ª Bienal de Sao Paulo
Minimalism and After, Daimler Contemporary, Berlín
Urgent Painting, MAM/ARC - Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, París
Video Works. International Video Art, Kunstnerneshus, Oslo
2001 Olav Christopher Jenssen, Sarah Morris + Carroll Dunham, c/o, Atle Gerhardsen, Berlín
at speed, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlín
Casino 2001, Stedelijk Museum Veer Actuele Kunste, Gant (comisariada por Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn)
Gallery Editions, Kappatos Gallery, Atenas
The Mystery of Painting, Sammlung Goetz, Munich
Geometric & Gestus, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburgo
Beau Monde: Towards a Redeemed Cosmopolitanism, Fourth International Biennale, SITE Santa Fe, New Mexico (comisariada por David Hickey)
Hybrids. International Contemporary Painting, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool
Glee. Painting Now, PBICA - The Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, Lake Worth, Florida
Shopping, Generali Foundation, Viena
Playing Amongst the Ruins, Royal College of Art, Londres
Comfort: Reclaiming Place in a Virtual World, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Ohio
A pied d’oeuvre, Bibliothèque National de France, París
Wild Walls: Berlin / Los Angeles Film Festival of Architecture and Urbanism, MAK - Museum für angewandte Kuns, Vienna: Center for Art and Architecture, L. A. at the Schindler House School of Architecture, University of Southern California
Die Sammlung Olbricht Teil 2. Without Hesitation, Gesellschartf für Aktuelle Kunst Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen
Beautiful Productions, Whitechapel, Londres
Art Transplant, British Consulate, Nueva York
2000 Twisted, Urban and Visionary Landscapes in Contemporary Painting, Van AbbeMuseum, Eindhoven
The City, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, Nueva York
Projections, FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon; Museum Fridericanum, Kassel
What If: Art on The Verge of Architecture and Design, Moderna Museet, Estocolmo
Public Culture, Private Nature, Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel - Aviv
Girlfriend, (Sarah Morris, Merlin Carpenter, Dan Flavin, David Hicks, Dana Hoey, Willie Landels /
Zanotta, Richard Phillips, Peter Saville), GfZK - Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
Das Lied Von Der Erde, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel
Drawings and Photographs, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York (exposición en ayuda de Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Inc.)
Confusion, National Galerie im Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlín
AM/PM, Neue National Galerie im Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum fur Gegenwart, Berlín
Flakk, Nordic House, Reikiavik
Zeitgenossen / Contemporarians: Malerei / Paintings, Galerie Editions Kunsthandel GmbH, Essen
Home, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
Glee: Painting Now, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut
Project 0004, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
1999 Between London and New York, Taché - Lévy Gallery, Bruselas
Le Capital, CRAC - Centre Régional d’Art Contemporain de Sète, Sète
Two Doors - True Value, Mai 36 / Annemarie Verna, Zurich
Post - hypnotic, University Galleries of Illinois State University, Illinois; MAC, Dallas; Chicago Cultural Center and Atlanta College of Art Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia
Malerie, Kunsthalle, Berlín
Trans/sphere, FRAC Poitou - Charentes, Angulema
Tang, Turner & Runyon, Dallas
Plug In, Salon 3, Londres
Aufnahmen, Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere, Viena
Concrete Ashtray, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Nueva York
Fotografische Recherchen in der Stadt, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Viena
Art Lovers. Liverpool Biennial, Compton House, Liverpool
Frieze, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston
This is Yesterday, CAAC - Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo, Sevilla
Painting Lab, Entwistle, Londres
1998 Dumbpop, The Jerwood Foundation art gallery, Londres; Leeds Metropolitan University Gallery
Weather Everything, GfZK - Galerie fur Zeitgenossische Kunst Leipzig, Leipzig (comisariada por Eric Troncy)
Cluster Bomb, Morrison Judd, Londres
I Love New York: Corssover der Aktuellen Kunst, Ludwig Museum, Colonia
Dijon / Le Consortium, Centres Georges Pompidou, París
Video Store!, Bricks and Kicks, Viena
Young Americans Part 2, Saatchi Gallery, Londres
Deep Thought, Basilico Fine Arts, Nueva York
La Table, Air de Paris, París
Mostrato, Fuori Uso 98, Pescara
Narrative Urge, Uppsala Konstmuseum, Sweden (comisariada por Catsou Roberts)
1997 Hospital, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin (comisariada por Sarah Morris)
Dramatically Different, MAGASIN - Centre National d'Art Contemporain de Grenoble [cat.]
Group show : Miltos Manetas, Florence Manlik, Sarah Morris, Jack Pierson, Gary Simmons, Laurie Simmons, Georgina Starr, Galerie Philippe Rizzo, París
Posture: A Survey of Contemporary Figuration, David Klein Gallery, Michigan
Painting, Photography, Drawing, Anton Kern Gallery, Nueva York
1996 Found Footage, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Colonia
Pop Planet, Theoretical events, Nápoles
Lara Schnitger & Sarah Morris, Anton Kern Gallery, Nueva York
1995 A Benefit Exhibition for D.E.A.F., Inc, Nicole Klagsbrun, Nueva York (comisariada por Jeff Koons)
B - Movie, San Francisco Art Fair, Phoenix Hotel, California
More Than Real, Gallery 400, School of Architecture, Chicago
1994 Summer Group Show, Nicole Klagsbrun, Nueva York
Please Don’t Hurt Me, Galerie Snoie (Rotterdam)/Cabinet Gallery, Londres
1993 Lucky Kunst, Silver Place, Londres
Home Alone, 211 East 10, Nueva York
Evidently 1993, Dooley Le Capellaine Gallery, Nueva York
I am the Annuniciator, Thread Waxing Space, Nueva York
1992 Curio Shop, Thread Waxing Space, Nueva York
1991 Group show, P.P.O.W, Nueva York
Group show, Postmaster Gallery, Nueva York
1990 Series, Postmasters Gallery, Nueva York
Open Studio, Whitney Independent Study Program

Albright - Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Nueva York
American Express Financial Services
Centre d’Art Contemporain, Le Consortium, Dijon
Celebrity Cruises GTS Millennium
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
Fondazione Prada, Milán
FRAC, Poitou - Charentes
FRAC, Bourgogne
GfZK - Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig
Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart, Berlín
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
MAM - Miami Art Museum, Miami, Florida
MAMCS - Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Estrasburgo
MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York
Mora Foundation, Melbourne
Museo Berardo - Colección de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, Lisboa
Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Salzburgo
National Galerie im Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlín
New Orleans Museum, Nueva Orleans
Paine Webber Collection, Nueva York
PinchukArtCentre, Kiev
Prada Foundation, Milán
Saatchi Collection, Londres
Sammlung Daimler Chrysler, Berlín
Sammlung Goetz, Munich
Sammlung Hoffmann, Berlín
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Nueva York
Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus & Kunstbau, Munich
Stedelijk Museum, Ámsterdam
Tate Britain, Londres
Tate Modern, Londres
T-B A21. Thyssen - Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Viena
V&A - Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres
Yale Center For British Art, New Haven, Connecticut

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Sarah Morris

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